Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Changing Our View of Africa
There is a future in Africa, all we need to do is help them to heal the past and current tragedies occuring all over the continent. We can do it. I can do it. You can do it.
Join in and help make a difference!
I Need Africa More Than Africa Needs Me
At first, this concept seems backward... doesn't Africa need me? Aren't the African people in despair? Yes, but they have something that I don't. They have faith, and they have an optimism and a hope I could only dream of having.
What Africa means to me is a new way of world thinking. We need to stop over-analyzing the little things and look at the bigger picture. We need to start embracing the positive and letting go of the negative. What this means for me is that people, myself included, need to stop saying "I can't" and start doing. We CAN make a difference- look at Mocha Club. We HAVE made a difference, and we can keep going, keep helping.
I need Africa because I need a way to make sure that people act humanly and help others rather than complain about the things that they can't have. I can't afford the latest trends or the new iPod or computer or an Ivy League education, but I can afford $7 a month to save someone's life. I can give up drinking two mochas a month to ensure people get clean drinking water, that children get to go to school, that refugees of sex slavery have somewhere safe to live. I can do that. You can, too.
I need Africa because I need to see human kindness. I need to see an interaction that is worthwhile, that makes a difference in someone's life, puts a smile on someone's face. Africa fulfills this need.
So what do you think? Please post your comments, I would love to get a conversation started and see what other thoughts people have about Africa. Or, even better than a comment, post your own blog about it if you'd like!
Join in the worthwhile cause of recasting the damaging images that force pity over partnership. Come back Dec 1st to see what Mocha Club is doing about reforming that image. Thanks in advance for your time!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I love my family, and my friends, (and my puppies :]) who have been there for me through thick and thin and support me in all that I do.
I have a great job, and though it's just part-time, it's something where if my ambitions did not work out, I could potentially continue to move up in the company and make a difference.
I do well in school, and love to learn. How lucky am I that my "homework" is to read, write, and analyze? Something that I love to do. The next time I complain about how swamped I am, I need to sit back and recognize that a) I put this upon my own shoulders, no one is pressuring me but myself, and b) I do the same things in work and pleasure, read.
I also have numerous ways to reach out and help others. While I'm still trying to decide whether or not this is selfish of me, I enjoy doing it. What do you think? Does finding satisfaction in helping others take away from the act itself?
I've been involved with an organization called the Mocha Club for about two years now, and and currently trying to start up a new project with their outlet called "Make Change". I'm going to try to partner with one of the groups on campus, one of the boys in my class told me about an organization he is part of that would be nearly perfect for the project, so I am hoping that will work out.
I will keep you posted, and explain more about Mocha Club shortly. If you would like to get involved, please click on my link in my Info or click here: [http://mochaclub.org/joinme/makeanimpact]. $7 a month can do so much. Please help!
Stay safe, and spend tomorrow with loved ones- in person or in thought.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
After the fallout.
Jim and I broke up in May.
I started dating Matt in July, we broke up in September.
I decided to just live life. Fuck forcing relationships or trying to find one.
If it happens, it happens. If it doesn't, well, then it doesn't.
Got my eye on someone, but for practical and logistical reasons we'll let that simmer for the next few months at least.
Classes are overwhelming, but I'll pull through...
Time to read now, then work until close. I got a promotion there, so obviously things are going well. I transferred stores in June and now am much closer to school and home, which is great.
Getting to work, now.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Ugly or pretty, it's still my city.
I feel like Jim and I have been fighting a lot lately. Or I've been bitchy and whiney and complaining and crying over nothing, I should say. I don't know what my problem is. I feel so helpless. I'm not sure whether it's stress, hormones, missing the city, or what, but I keep freaking out on him. He told me that he's not sure how much more of it he can take... which doesn't help me much. I wish I could just trust in people. Or believe in myself. Or both.
I wish I knew what to do. I wish I knew how to control my emotions better, and how to just let the little things go. I have such an issue with that.
Aside from that...
I finally got my resume done tonight. I've been "working on it" for a while.
Hopefully it's decent, I've never had to write one before.
I really can't stop thinking about/being worried about things with Jim. I just talked to him on the phone a few minutes ago. He said "Hey Mollie, what's up". No big deal, I guess, but he never calls me by my name. He always says babe or baby or some other pet name like that.
That's probably one of the things that I keep freaking out over, though, that I shouldn't. It's probably no big deal, nothing to worry about, but I over-analyze EVERYTHING.
For now I think it's time to head to bed and read until I fall asleep. Up early tomorrow morning for exercise and getting ready for work. Work 11-6, meeting 6-8. How exciting...
Goodnight. xoxo.
and get in, or get out.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Last night my friend's house caught on fire. I guess her roommate was cooking and the whole kitchen went up :( I was at my boyfriend's house down the street, and no one knew the number but they said it was a bunch of girls outside and a few were blonde, and one had a coat on that sounded like hers, so I ran out the door to go find her, and indeed it was her. Everyone was okay and got out with time to spare and everything, but they were obviously very upset. I felt really bad, I hope that the damage isn't too much :(
Well I guess I should start getting ready for class. My first one got canceled today, so I don't have to be on campus until 11, but, parking here is absolutely ridiculous, so I need to leave like 45 minutes early to get to class on time. Sigh.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Just When You Get Comfortable...
So not only am I questioning whether or not I'll be able to do anything with my life after school here, I'm questioning why I'm here if I'm so unhappy.
Why did I leave the city? It was so spur-of-the-moment. Just one day "hey, I think I'll transfer!" And did it. That was so fucking stupid.
I love, really, love, my boyfriend, and I have wonderful friends, but academically and just overall I'm not happy here.
I don't know what to do.
All I needed tonight was a big, huge, gigantic hug from Jim. I needed it so badly. Went to get in the car to drive over and see him, and my car won't start. I somehow managed to leave the lights on (which are supposed to turn off automatically when the driver's side door opens) when I didn't even drive in the dark today. Great. And he was drinking, so he can't come here. Wonderful. So I called him up in a fit of tears. He's coming tomorrow morning, early. He's going to take me to class and hopefully charge my battery so I can go to work. If not he said I can take his car... I really don't want to do that though. It's a truck, and I'm not entirely comfortable driving trucks, they're too big.
I'm going to go clear off my bed and go to sleep. Hopefully I'll feel a little bit better in the morning. At the very least I'll wake up to my wonderful boyfriend giving me the hug I'm dying for.
That's what I'll drift off to sleep dreaming about.
What will you be giving up?
What will you be going to?
What kind of education will you be getting?
Will your teachers have an education themselves?
Will you be in classes that challenge you?
Will you be in a place you feel that you belong?
Sit, and think about it.
Do not rush this.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Tonight they're having a party for him, so it should be a fun night. Right now he's sleeping, trying to make up for yesterday haha. We're going out to dinner before; I'm really excited, we haven't gone out in a long time.
I made a ton of jello shots for the party tonight. Hopefully they came out well... and hopefully they solidify before it's time to go. I need to find a tray somewhere to bring them over, like a bigggg baking sheet. Or two. I wonder if CVS has them? Or Roch's?
Ok, well I'm going to get myself together and figure out what I'm wearing tonight.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Increased Frustration.
I am not entirely sure what to do. I'm tired of this place, I'm tired of the mundane day-to-day lack of a challenge, lack of excitement and enthusiasm. If my teachers are lackadaisical about their job, then why should I extend strenuous effort into it?
I'm frustrated that I am not being pushed. I have not read an entire passage or book I was supposed to read since the first week of school, and it has NOT ONCE been a problem. That in itself is a problem. A teacher should know that you haven't done the work if they are pushing the class and the discussion far enough. Rather than encouraging, even forcing, student conversation and explication of the texts, they simply choose to summarize them.
And, if, on some rare occasion, a student speaks up to give their opinion, their own reading of what the author's intent was, the professor will quickly shoot them down: "Well, that's interesting, but I already told you that he meant x,y,z. So no." At this point in the class, I always feel like just getting up and walking out.
Really, you mean to tell me that you actually knew the author and discussed with him precisely what he meant for the given passage? Well, then by all means, tell me that MY OPINION is incorrect! However, if this is not the case, then sit down and shut the fuck up because your opinion is no more informed than anyone else's in this room. I don't care that you have graduated, have another degree, and are now a teacher. If you're going to tell someone that their opinion is the wrong opinion, then you are obviously an ignorant human being who should not be in a college level classroom.
I think that this is part of why I'm so unsure what to do with my life. I am an English major, and up until last week I had every intention of working for a publisher (or perhaps later having my own publishing corporation), as an editor. I have a low tolerance for bullshit, so I have never entertained the idea of being a teacher. However, we were having a discussion, in the ONLY class where students are encouraged to give their own ideas, about why we were English majors and what we wanted to do with our degree. One student said that he was tired of having professors just run through the material, and how he had one professor who was simply amazing, one who was excited about his topic, got the students to willingly participate in class, and was just all around a great person, who got students to really LEARN rather than sit through class staring into space.
I would love to be a person like that. Someone to get people to enjoy and absorb information rather than having it go in one ear and out the other. I hate that no one explicates, but rather they do a fourth grade level summary-and-analysis. If you don't go deep into the concepts of the text, how will you ever be able to apply that not only to other works of literature, but to real life as well?
It would just be nice to meet someone, a professor especially, who had as much interest in the literature as I do. In Boston all of the professors loved what they taught. They had this great energy, and you couldn't help but get interested. Here... not so much. I don't get it. Aren't there still standards for handing out collegiate teaching jobs?
"Education means inspiring someone’s mind, not just filling their head."
- Katie Lusk"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."
- William Arthur Ward
These are obvious, right? Then why are they not put into practice?
Where is the passion
Monday, March 10, 2008
A beautiful freezing-cold day.
I'm still feeling like this is not the place I'm supposed to be. I've been feeling this way a lot lately, and I'm really wishing that I'd thought my transfer through a little more. It was definitely an impulse move... which should have taken much more consideration. I feel like I have stepped back into high school. I don't have to read, and can write crap papers for an 'A'. Hell, my professor didn't even know the title The Bhagavad-Gita. Seriously? Am I in college still? It really doesn't seem so. Tonight I have to read Windows on the World, which seems like a really quick read. I also need to read an essay about said novel, as well as a number of Middle Ages/Early Modern English selections.
On top of these things, I need to catch up on reading that I never did. Again, this is far too easy to get away with.
I'm going out to dinner with Jim tonight. I'm excited, we haven't gone out somewhere in awhile. This week is his birthday... hopefully all of his gifts work out as planned! :)
I'm waiting on spring. All I want is for it to be warm and skirts and dresses and flip-flops to be everywhere you turn. Flowers and bright colors and that spring scent. It's real. It's out there, it exists, and it needs to come back around. As soon as this happens, I will be in the streets of Boston wandering around, and will end up on the docks by the Charles, singing Elton John. It will be a wonderful time.
I am sick with grief of missing Boston. I wish I could take it back, but at the same time I don't. Aside from a lack of academics and culture, I am content here. I have a wonderful boyfriend and some great friends, and living in Boston would not allow for these people to be such a huge part of my life. ...On the other hand, however, I did leave some of the best people I have ever met up in Boston. They are still my friends, but I miss them terribly. I'll just stick Jim in my suitcase and ship back up to the city. If not for school, then at least for more frequent visits.
I guess I should get started on this reading if I plan on going out tonight.
I'll end with a quote from Emerson's The American Scholar, which I read for class, but obviously will never be able to discuss:
Our age is bewailed as the age of Introversion. Must that needs be evil? We, it seems, are critical; we are embarrassed with second thoughts; we cannot enjoy anything for hankering to know whereof the pleasure consists; we are lined with eyes; we see with our feet; the time is infected with Hamlet's unhappiness,-
"Sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought."